Top Tips to Cure Cold Fast

Sunday, October 31, 2010 · 0 comments

Winter season comes with lots of excitement to enjoy cozy environments and having warm feelings but it also carries some health problems and common cold is one of those issues. It can spread through breathing, touching and handshaking as well. Usually there is no hard and fast rule to cure cold and medical treatment is seldom used in this situation so what left to get rid of this irritating condition is to go for home remedies which are commonly used to get out of cold fast.

1- Take Lots of Hot Fluid to Stay Hydrated

Drink a lot of hot fluid including soaps and herbal tea. It will help keeping you hydrated and improve you immune system to defend against viral infections.

2- Keep Yourself Warm and Cozy

Keep yourself warm with cap, sweater and socks etc. Sweating will help you getting rid of toxins and will improve blood circulation as well. Stay in warm and cozy environment to prevent further viral infection.

3- Chew Garlic Pieces to Unblock Blocked Nose

Chew small pieces of raw garlic for 3 to 4 minutes to relieve blocked nose. Chewing garlic pieces is considered one the best home remedies for colds and flu. So if you have garlic in your home, go and chew it for few minutes to get rid of cold fast.

4- Use Nasal Spray

Use nasal spray to cure flu fast. Nasal sprays instantly unblock nasal passages irritating with nasty bugs residing there.

5- Take Steam for Few Minutes

Take steam for 10 minutes. Add few drops of Eucalyptus oil in hot water and breathe the steam to unblock the blocked nose.

6- Take Hot Baths

Have steamy shower and keep you neat and clean. Hot baths are considered effective in killing viruses causing cold and keeping you fresh and relaxed for long hours.

7- Take Rest and Be Relaxed

Take rest and have good sleep to get rid of cold fast. Experts also advise to stay at home for 2 to 3 days in cozy and clean environment. If you feeling tired than usual then pile on a blanket and have sweet sleep for few hours. It will magically defeat the viral cold attack and help in healing process.

8- Gargle with Hot Water

Gargle with mild hot water. Take 1 glass water, mix 1 teaspoon salt in it and gargle for 30 to 40 seconds. It will help healing the sore throat.

9- Take Healthy Diet and Juices

Take healthy diet including juices with vitamins to recover your strength disturbed during viral attack. Garlic, oranges, honey and lemons can be used during common cold. Vitamins C not only help in improving your immune system but also assist in recovering fast from any disease you have.

If you are also feeling irritating with runny nose and watery eyes then follow above mentioned methods to get rid of cure fast as soon as possible.

Pleural Mesothelioma – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Saturday, October 30, 2010 · 0 comments

Pleural Mesothelioma is the most common type of mesothelioma which is characterized by the formation of cancerous tumors in pleura which is the protective lining of lung surrounding the chest cavity and diaphragm.

How Pleural Mesothelioma Causes?

Like other types of mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma is also connected to asbestos exposure. Once asbestos fibers enter the body through inhalation they lodged on pleura and start changing its nature after passing one or two decades. These changes occur in the form of irritation and inflammation which results in the formation and proliferation of cancerous cells. Such developments lead to pleural thickening which further aggravates the condition by building fluid in chest cavity. Fluid building in pleural cavity put pressure on lungs and makes it difficult to breathe easily. At this stage patient feels that something is going wrong in its chest region which is creating problem in normal breathing and causing persistent pain and cough for him.

Pleural Mesothelioma Symptoms

Various symptoms of pleural mesothelioma include:

* Persistent Cough
* Persistent Pain in Chest
* Lump Formation in Chest Area
* Hemoptysis (coughing up blood)
* Dyspnea (Shortness of breath)
* Dysphagia (Difficulty in swallowing)
* Weight Loss
* Fatigue and Fever

Pleural Mesothelioma Diagnosis

In order to diagnose pleural mesothelioma imaging techniques including X-rays, MRI and CT scan are applied along with taking patients’ medical history and current health state into account. All these measures helps in diagnosing the presence of cancerous cells inside the body and level of damage already occurred to pleural lining. If necessary then biopsy can also be recommended to take out the sample of fluid building around pleura through minor surgical process. This sample is then tested into laboratory in order to trace the presence of cancerous cells inside pleural cavity.

Pleural Mesothelioma Treatment

Like other types of mesothelioma pleural mesothelioma is also treated by applying one or combination of given treatment methods:

1- Radiotherapy (using radiations to destroy cancer cells)
2- Chemotherapy (injecting chemicals directly to affected part of pleura)
3- Surgery (cutting out the damaged portion completely)

The selection of treatment method depends upon the health condition of the patient of pleural mesothelioma and level of damage occurred to his body. Early diagnosis makes it easier to treat pleural mesothelioma. So if anyone is feeling above mentioned symptoms then don’t take it easy and take an appointment with your physician to find out the actual cause of this internal body disturbance.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment


Peritoneal mesothelioma is a type of mesothelioma which occurs in 10% to 20% of all mesothelioma cases. This type of mesothelioma is developed into peritoneum which is the protective covering around abdominal cavity and its organs. In peritoneal mesothelioma, peritoneum becomes cancerous in nature due to the rapid proliferation of cancerous cells.

How Peritoneal Mesothelioma Causes?

But the question is that what causes cancerous cells proliferation in protective lining of mesothelium? The answer is ‘asbestos fibers’. Yes its asbestos exposure which causes the ultimate formation of cancerous tumors in mesothelium (peritoneum). Asbestos fibers enter the human body either by inhalation or by ingestion and approaches to peritoneum. Here these fibers get trapped and find no way to come out. After passing one or two decades these fibers start their destructive activities and bring changes in the nature of peritoneum. This change occurs in the form of irritation and inflammation which further increases to produce cancerous cells. Once these cells produce they start dividing rapidly which results in the thickening of peritoneum and fluid formation around it. As the quantity of fluid increase it starts putting pressure on abdominal organ and patient starts showing symptoms as persistent abdominal pain or lump formation under skin on abdominal region.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Symptoms

Various symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include:

* Abdominal Pain
* Abdominal Swelling
* Lump Formation in Abdominal Region
* Weight Loss
* Anemia
* Fatigue
* Nausea
* Vomiting or Fever

Due to the slow process of cancer development which starts decades ago from lodging few asbestos fibers on peritoneum to excessive fluid formation, cancer cells proliferation and layer thickening it takes almost 20 to 50 years for a patient of peritoneal mesothelioma to demonstrate these symptoms because no mesothelioma symptom arises after initial asbestos exposure in any case.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma starts with the physical examination to find out the reason for symptoms patient is demonstrating persistently. The complete overview of patient’s history is also taken into account to trace the presence of asbestos exposure. Other diagnostic techniques for peritoneal mesothelioma include taking images of internal body organs through various imaging methods. X rays, MRI and CT scan are commonly applied techniques to take these cross sectional images of internal body organs. Minor biopsy can also be considered in order to take sample of fluid building around peritoneum. This sample is tested in laboratory to confirm the presence of cancerous cells in the body.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Treatment

The treatment options available for the patient of peritoneal mesothelioma include:

1- Radiotherapy (using radiations to destroy cancer tumor)
2- Chemotherapy (injecting medicine directly to damaged part for instant and deep affect)
3- Surgery (removing affected parts completely)

In some cases radiotherapy is used to shrink the cancer tumor before surgery and then chemotherapy is applied to inject medicine directly into peritoneum after surgery. In this way combination of treatment options can be applied to destroy the cancer tumor and to stop the process of cancer cell proliferation.

Pericardial Mesothelioma – Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Sunday, October 17, 2010 · 0 comments

Pericardial Mesothelioma - Complete Overview

Pericardial mesothelioma is characterized by the formation of cancerous cells (and tumors) in the protective lining of heart which is called pericardium. This proliferation of cancerous cells in pericardium is caused by asbestos fibers lodged between its cells for more than one decade. These fibers are said to be traveled from lungs to heart through bloodstream. After passing one or two decades these asbestos fibers start causing irritation and inflammation in pericardial cells and make them cancerous in nature. These cancerous cells start dividing rapidly to increase in number which results in the thickening of pericardium. This thickening leads to fluid formation in chest cavity which creates pressure on heart and patient starts showing symptoms for having something wrong inside his body.

Symptoms of Pericardial Mesothelioma

When cancerous cells proliferate rapidly and built up fluid in surrounding area, it puts pressure on heart and patient starts showing following symptoms.

Heart Palpitations (Arrhythmia)
Chest pain
Difficult Breathing (Dyspnea)
Night Sweats

Pericardial mesothelium symptoms resemble with that of other heart problems which creates difficulties in mesothelioma diagnosis. Therefore in case of pericardial mesothelioma doctors has to take a variety of tests to confirm the presence of this silent killer inside human heart.

How to Diagnose Pericardial Mesothelioma?

Due to the non-specificity of its symptoms pericardial mesothelioma is hard to diagnose. Initial diagnosis includes complete analysis of patient’s medical history and thorough physical examination. Further steps involve using imaging techniques like MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and CT scan in order to take cross-sectional images of inner body parts. If these diagnostic techniques do not give clear clue about the problem going on then biopsy is suggested to take sample of fluid from pericardium. This sample is tested into laboratory to confirm the presence of cancerous cells.

How to Treat Pericardial Mesothelioma?

Normally the options of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and cancer surgery are considered to treat the patient of mesothelioma but in case of pericardial mesothelioma which is a critical condition due to the proximity to heart and patient’s poor health condition, patient is not considered a good candidate for surgery. Therefore palliative treatment options are preferred to treat pericardial mesothelioma which includes measures to improve the quality of life of suffering person.

Why Is It Difficult to Defeat Mesothelioma?

Thursday, October 14, 2010 · 0 comments

Billions of dollars are being spent to defeat the deadly disease of mesothelioma but still no satisfactory success has been achieved in this case. Despite tremendous efforts going on vast scale mesothelioma seems to be an undefeatable health concern confronting a large section of society today. But why these efforts are going in vain and why it seems so difficult to overcome this growing menace? The answer is that there are present some important factors due to which mesothelioma has become a challenge for world best doctors and physicians. Those factors due to which it is hard to control and treat mesothelioma are discussed here briefly.

1- Mesothelioma Symptoms Appear Very Lately

The very first reason which creates obstacle in diagnosing mesothelioma timely is late appearance of its symptoms. In majority of mesothelioma cases patient is diagnosed at such stage where fewer options left in hand for his physician to increase the number of days of his life. A patient suffering from mesothelioma shows symptoms after 15 to 25 years or even late when it becomes almost impossible to get him back to healthy life track. Therefore it is also categorized among those diseases that act like a ‘silent killer’ for human life.

2- Short Period Asbestos Exposure Is Enough to Cause Mesothelioma

The next reason is the high possibility of cancerous cells proliferation only after 2 to 3 months exposure to asbestos. It does not require several years’ asbestos exposure to spread its roots into protective lining of human body organs. Short term asbestos exposure is enough to cause mesothelioma easily.

3- Rapid Spread through Direct or Indirect Asbestos Exposure

Lastly it spreads rapidly either by direct or indirect exposure to asbestos. Indirect exposure involves inhaling in the atmosphere containing dust particles coming from a mesothelioma victim. In this way indirect asbestos exposure can cause spreading it among all family members if one of them unfortunately becomes its victim through direct exposure.

So these are the reasons due to which day and night efforts to control and overcome this type of cancer are being wasted. The only thing which can be done is to halt the process of proliferation of cancerous cells by applying various treatment options including chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery but nothing can be done to reverse the damage done to protective lining of internal body parts.

How to Choose Right Mesothelioma Attorney?

Sunday, October 10, 2010 · 0 comments

Mesothelioma Attorneys

Mesothelioma attorney provides substantial legal support for those unfortunate people who have become a victim of this dreadful disease because of working in such industries where asbestos exposure have destroyed their life and now their employers are not ready to compensate for it in the form of financial support. There are a lot of families of poor industrial workers whose family members have been suffering from mesothelioma disease but not getting sufficient financial support from their employers which is their legal right. Mesothelioma attorney is a body which helps people in their fight to get this legal right from their employers.

What to Do to Select Right Mesothelioma Attorney?

If you or your friend is also one of such people fighting against mesothelioma and their legal financial right then you also need to find a legitimate mesothelioma attorney to help you in this miserable condition. In order to find right mesothelioma attorney you have to consider certain things.

1- Get Detailed Information about Mesothelioma Attorneys Working in Your Area

Firstly get details about all mesothelioma attorneys working in your area. You can use online and offline resources for it or even can consult with your friends and family about it if they have some good suggestion in this regard. Don’t become a victim of tempting advertisement by several mesothelioma attorneys just to make more and more clients for their shady services. Always prefer to go for legitimate mesothelioma attorney to get your desired result.

2- Ask Important Question to Lawyer Going to Handle Your Case

Secondly you should ask questions to your lawyer about his experience and expertise in handling such cases. Moreover make sure that he would handle the case himself rather than transferring it to other law agencies in order to make money for himself.

3- Analyze the Cost Involved During the Process

Thirdly you need to have a detailed study of fees and other expenses involved in this process. Remember that mesothelioma attorneys keep their percentage as fee out of money successfully taken from respective employer so you don’t need to pay for it until you get your due share.

4- Contact Mesothelioma Attorney Timely Before It Gets Too Late

Finally contact the attorney timely. Don’t wait for the time when it gets too late and you reach at such miserable stage where no financial help could elevate your misery.

Moreover you should also be aware of the severity of mesothelioma disease because in order to take your legitimate right to mitigate its miseries it is imperative to know that how much you have been affected by it and how much you need to recover from it.

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