What are the Types of Food Poisoning?

Friday, May 1, 2009 ·

Types of Food Poisoning

Food poisoning can be categorized into two types:

1- Food Infection
2- Food Intoxication

1- Food Infection

Food infections are caused by bacteria and viruses already present in the food. These infectious micro-organisms enter the body and cause diarrhea, nausea, headache and vomiting. There are a couple of reasons behind it. Firstly the person involved in food preparation is not conscious about his own hygienic conditions which are essential to prepare healthy food. Secondly the environment in which food is being prepared contains such infectious organisms.

2- Food Intoxication

Food intoxication is caused by toxins produced by bacteria, viruses or parasites that enter the food and make it unfit for human consumption. Once these micro-organisms intoxicate the food and this food is consumed by a healthy person these exotoxins enters his body to cause food intoxication.

Food poisoning can become a serious health concern if patient’s body is already not in the condition of defending itself against such external threat. In normal cases it can be cured within 2 to 4 days just by adopting some preventing measures and by taking lots of clear fluid to prevent dehydration but in severe cases it can take longer time period and require special treatment by consulting a health specialist.


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