A Brief Look at Mitochondria
Mitochondria are sausage-shaped, double membraned cytoplasmic bodies usually called "Power House Of Cell". These are responsible for ATP synthesis through cellular respiration. Mitochondria are present in almost all eukaryotic cell with the exception of protist Chaos (Pelomyxa) carolinensis.They show constant motion within the cell and tend to aggregate at places where energy requiring process is going on or at the parts of cell associated with active processes e.g in flagellated protozoas mitochondria are present around the base of flagella and in cardiac muscle, they surround the contractile elements. One of the richest sources of mitochondria is Hummingbird flight muscle.
Mitochondria with 0.5 to 1.0 micrometer diamete are bounded by outer and inner membrane, composed of phospholipid bilayers and proteins. Both membranes differ in their structure and function. Outer membrane is smooth and elastic helps in its extension & contraction. Porins (integral protein) present in outer membrane form channels through which small ions, nutrient molecules, ATP etc can pass easily. Any disruption in outer membrane allows proteins in the intermembrane space to leak into the cytosol (cytoplasmic matrix) which can lead to cell death.
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