How do a mitochondria works?

Monday, May 4, 2009 ·

Functions of Mitochondria

1- Main function of mitochondria is energy production through ATP synthesis. It makes impossible for multicellular organisms to exist without mitochondria. They provide energy through the break down of respiratory substances for ATP synthesis used in cell metabolism.

2- Through oxidative phosphoryation mitochondria make efficient use of nutrient molecules.

3- Mitochondria are also involved in cell signalling (communication system to control basic cellular activities), cellular differentiation, apoptosis (PCD-programmed cell death), cell cycle and cell growth as well. Certain amount of protein synthesis also takes place here.

4- Mitochondrial perform specific function in specific types of cells e.g mitochondria present in liver cells contain enzymes that allow them to detoxify ammonia (waste product of protein metabolism).

5- Additionally mitochondria also regulates membrane potential, cellular proliferation and certain heme and steroid synthesis reactions. Mitochondria can also store calcium. There is a significant interplay between the mitochondrion and ER (significant storage site of calcium) regarding calcium storage.


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